Care Net hosted Tim Tebow as guest speaker at their annual “Celebrate Life” Banquet. The annual event is a fundraiser for the nonprofit. TFNB Your Bank For Life also supported the event as top sponsor.
Since 2004, the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas has served over 2,600 clients each year for pregnancy testing. They listen to the concerns of the women they serve, provide accurate and factual information about all of their pregnancy choices, and provide compassionate care.
Tim Tebow’s story made him a great choice to speak at the event: Tim’s mother became pregnant with him while living in the Philippines as a missionary. She contracted amoebic dysentery through contaminated drinking water. Her doctor told her the medication she was on would damage the fetus and abortion was the best course of action. She refused and Tim Tebow went on to win the Heisman trophy, play in the NFL, and now play baseball professionally for the New York Mets.
Learn more about Care Net by visiting their website. See pictures from the event below: