Charity Champions Podcast: Unbound – Dear Younger Me

On this episode we have Susan Peters of Unbound and Dr. Soo Battle of Camp Careful to discuss what advice they would give their younger selves about relationships and how to avoid unhealthy relationships.

About Unbound:
Unbound is an organization that fights against human trafficking. It started in 2012 in Waco, Texas with a focus to address the human trafficking that was going on in their own communities. It has grown into an organization with multiple chapters across the United States.

About Camp Careful:
Camp Careful was started by Dr. Soo Battle to reduce and prevent child sexual abuse. Camp careful does this by empowering children, educating families, and bringing awareness about child sexual abuse to the community. Over 6000 children and parents have gotten training from Camp Careful.

What is Care Net?

care net class

While you’re stuck at home riding out the COVID-19 outbreak, why not learn more about one of our first Charity Champions.

Since 2004, the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas has provided more than 2,600 clients with pregnancy testing each year. They listen to their client’s concerns, provide accurate and factual information about all pregnancy choices, and provide compassionate care. 

They were named Charity Champions in our 2015 season.

Charity Champions Leadership Development Training – March 11th, 2020

Even on spring break, we had over 80 people show up for our second Leadership Development Training session. This session was focused on mastering the practices of empowering leaders. With our Leadership Development Trainings anyone who has been recognized as a Charity Champion is welcome to attend these events and we love seeing new organizations all the way to organizations that have been with us from the beginning.

No Limitations recognized at Baylor Lady Bears Game

no limitations lady bears game

We recognized No Limitations at tonight’s Lady Bears Basketball Game. In addition to on-court recognition, No Limitations athletes got a chance to come out on the court a play basketball at half time! 

No Limitations offers flag football, cheer, soccer, basketball, sensory friendly holiday activities, an annual golf tournament, an annual talent show, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and more to kids with disabilities.

No Limitations consists of a large network of volunteers with a common goal: ‍‍‍the overall betterment of the lives of those who live with developmental and/or physical challenges and their families. Many of those with special needs cannot advocate for themselves publicly, and parents/caregivers don’t always have the time due to the overwhelming duties they attend to daily.

Their goals are to love, serve, and learn from this community as they help bring attention to their needs, and thus bring about opportunities, acceptance, understanding, and inclusion in the Central Texas community. Learn more on their website.